My Blog My Blog Journey Begins

My Blog Journey Begins

Back in July of 2019, I decided to jump on the wagon and start my own nursing blog. Now, here I am five months later finally sitting down to write my first post. Why, might you ask, has it taken me so long? Well, because I am NOT tech savvy at all! It was never made more clear than that day when I purchased my domain name and my WordPress package. After attempting to set up the site several different times, I became discouraged and, honestly, I just gave up. Crazy, right?! I went through the trouble of choosing a domain name that hadn’t already been taken (not an easy task), purchased the website hosting and blog, all to let it sit and stagnate for months. Please don’t do this! Get help if you need it. I sure am. Just last week, I purchased my first logo. I tried to draw my own, piece one together from the internet, etc…, but I was so afraid of duplicating someone else’s and risking copyright infringement and all the other beginner mistakes that I’ve read about, that I thought this was the safest way. I am pretty pleased with it, overall. What do you think? Logo I am a cardiac nurse so I thought it was fitting. And, the classic heart with the cardiac cycle are fitting for all walks of nursing. Afterall, our main goal is keeping our patients spiritually, physically, and emotionally alive, right?! That takes heart-our selfless love and compassion toward humankind. The phrase “Niches of Nursing” was chosen to encompass the many branches of the nursing field that I hope to explore with you over the next several posts. Honestly, though, I’m a bit of a scatterbrain, so I am sure it will reflect throughout my blog as I jump from topic to topic. I hope you will follow along on my journey! Feel free to offer comments, advice, or suggest content that you would like to know more about. I am eager to get rolling with this new adventure!